Preserving railroad history in brookfield Missouri

Welcome to

Dedicated to providing information and education about Brookfield Junction Park, the railroad and its history in Brookfield, Missouri. Brookfield Junction Park is a 501(c)3 organization.

The beginning of our non-profit organization

Finding a need to get this locomotive moved into place, a few of us thought that in addition to this task maybe we could maintain and improve equipment located in the park area and keep building on its history through education. Join us in this journey won’t you?

Check out our Facebook group Brookfield Junction Park by clicking this hyperlink or use the QR code right here >>>>>


Current Fundraisers

Maintaining and adding to the park takes funding. Here is where you’ll find information about how our organization is raising funds for the product you see in this little park and what we are using those funds for.

Right now we have our ongoing memorial brick fundraiser (order form showing to the right). It started out as more of a tribute to those that worked for the railroad and some that still do but has grown to include family memorials as an additional way to help contribute. Our first section of wall turned out really well and we are going to add another, smaller wing but when these spots fill, it will be over!
These proceeds will go into the additional wing wall and to our larger goals of re-painting the equipment and adding features to the park.

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